Duty to Report Injury to Employer

If you are injured at work you need to report the injury to the employer, preferably right away. By statute, you need to report it in writing within 10 days otherwise you may lose your right to be compensated for each day you are late in reporting. In some situations, this is easier said than done, but note who witnessed the injury in case their testimony is needed in the future. Make sure you accurately report what happened, and consistently report the same to each and every medical provider. It is important that you connect the injury to your work activity, in other words, do not say “my knee hurts”, rather, say “my knee was hurt when I fell on the ice while carrying my tool box.” If you are unable to write your own report, the description given to initial medical providers will be very important.  If you need guidance with a work-related injury, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 970-506-3892 or send me an email to arrange a free consultation. Let us assist you in getting the benefits you deserve.