Timely Payment of Temporary Disability Benefits

Within 10 days of an employer’s knowledge of an employee’s work-related injury, the employer must notify their insurer. If the injury results in more than 3 days of lost time from work, a First Report of Injury must be filed. The insurer then has 20 days to either admit or deny liability for the claim. If denied, the insurer will file a Notice of Contest and it is the injured worker’s burden to prove entitlement to WC benefits.

If admitted, a General Admission of Liability will be filed. If restricted from work, disability benefits are due within 3 days of the date of the GAL. Temporary disability benefits are due every two weeks thereafter provided that the injured worker is still restricted from regular duty, is not offered modified duty, and is not yet at maximum medical improvement.

If you’re experiencing delays or issues with the payment of your temporary disability benefits, it’s important to take action. Put our years of experience to work for you—call us at 970-506-3892 or send me an email to schedule a free consultation. We’re here to ensure you receive the benefits you’re entitled to without unnecessary delays.